Sunday, February 1, 2015

HOMEWARD BOUND by Emily Matchar

This is more of a showcase than a review, because I read about half of this book.  This is not vintage or retro or any of that.  This book explains what's at the heart of today's young women taking after their grandmothers more than their mothers when it comes to domestic roles.  The heart of it is that it's super awesome to have the choice to pursue a professional career outside the home, but it's just as wonderful to stay home and make jam, whether you're a stay-at-home mom or a stay-at-home dad.  It observes all the what-fors and withertos and controversies when your mom just doesn't understand too.  Highly recommend it if you're still scratching your head over why a successful attorney might give it all up to bake bread and homeschool her children.  Homeward Bound

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