Can't afford to buy new books right now and I haven't reestablished myself as a book reviewer yet, so that I can receive free ARCs from publishers. So, I went to the library and I think I've put together a healthy stack. I'll be adding more and I'll try to keep the reviews at least two weeks ahead of schedule. Here we go in no particular order:
POPE JOAN by Donna Woolfolk Cross
RUNNING AROUND (and such) by Linda Byler
CITY OF BONES by Cassandra Clare (I know this one is old, but I wanted to read it before I see the movie.)
I WANT TO LIVE by Nina Lugovskay. This one's supposed to be sort of like the Diary of Anne Frank, except it's set in Stalin's Russia.
This is the one I've started reading. It's Fantasy and so far it makes me wonder what it would be like written from a Science Fiction point of view, since, you know, Science Fiction is the geeky kid-sister of the Fantasy genre, which is, of course, a modern outgrowth of ancient mythology.
SCATTER, ADAPT, AND REMEMBER by Annalee Newitz. This author was a founding editor over at
So, this is a good start and should give you all an idea of what I'm after. I'm only lacking a really good romance novel. Here's one from my old blog-
I don't really have a Science Fiction Romance up here either. Hmmm... Here's an old review of GAMES OF COMMAND by Linnea Sinclair. She was one of my first authors at Enduring Romance.
Ooohkay, so this isn't the cover art for Games of Command, but, um, caalose enough!
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