Tuesday, October 22, 2013

School Violence, No Such Thing as the 'Good Ol' Days'

One of my pet peeves as a history buff is the tendency of people at around age forty to suddenly remember the 'good ol' days.'  As far as I can tell, there never were any good ol' days.  School Violence is a prime example.

Many of you have heard how a twelve year old boy just opened fire at a Nevada school, killing a teacher and himself, and wounding two students.

I'm sure nearly a year ago most Americans thought the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary was the worst massacre in our history.  It's not.  Twenty-eight souls perished on that terrible day.

Nearly a century early, thirty-eight souls, yes, that's 38, people died in the Bath School Massacre.  Look it up.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster

Ever hear of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of Little on the Prairie?  Her husband's childhood is chronicled in her book, the Farmer Book. 

In one chapter, some boys come to school intent on beating the teacher to death.  He defends himself with a bullwhip.
So, you know, besides boring today's kids, you might want to think about historical accuracy the next time you're tempted to reflect on 'the good ol' days.'  Just FYI.

Much Love, Buds.

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