Saturday, November 2, 2013


Finally!  Finally, Brad Pitt plays a character I like.  I mean, I don’t blame Brad Pitt for the roles he’s had before, but...anyway. 
The important thing about Brad Pitt is that he raises beautiful babies with Angelina Jolie.  They have six, you know.
The thing about Zombies is that they put a face on the gazillions of germs which can kill you, like the one for the Bubonic Plague, otherwise known as the Black_Death which killed at least a third of Europe during the Middle Ages. 

Zombies are the personification of *pandemic.* 
I think it's because there's nothing more terrifying than a monster you can't see and, you know, germs can't be seen by the naked eye.

If you’ve ever seen pictures of, say, leprosy victims, you’ll see how the Zombie got its form.  Now, imagine there’s no cure and no escape.

Only a hundred years ago, the Flu Pandemic killed more people than World War I which was going on at the same time.

You will be getting your Flu shot this year, right?
Here it is at Barnes and Noble-
World War Z is based on the novel by Max Brooks and I hope to read it soon.  I wished I'd read it first.

P.S. If this movie freaks you out, but you can’t drag yourself away from the undead, I recommend Zombieland next.  There's something about putting the funny on something terrifying that helps humans cope.
And if World War Z seems familiar, you might be thinking of this-
I'm a huge Will Smith fan, so I would have a hard time if someone asked me which I liked better.
In the end, I'd probably say XOMBIES by Walter Greatshell!  Another similar story which simply hasn't made it to the big screen yet.  I reviewed it a long time ago.

Now, off you go to get that Flu Shot, 'kay?  Much love, Blog Buds.

Oh, by they way, if you haven't noticed, I think of zombies from a scientific point of view and through the lens of history.  The other kind are simply of no interest to me.

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