The concept of time travel was first popularized by H.G. Wells' novel, The Time Machine over a hundred years ago. In it, he explores a dismal future of how humanity might evolve. I rather prefer the optimistic future theorized in Star Trek, which is dotted with time travel stories through various means.
Goshdarnit, I still haven't gotten the Time Machine I asked Santa for, but I've learned there's other ways to time travel. Reading great novels that take you away from it all in your own imagination is just one way.
Going Vintage is another way.
Okay, this is My Sunday Best - it's not just about the glamorous style. It's the attitude. I've now read and explored many YouTube channels, blogs, Facebook Pages, and such and all of them put forward an attitude of kindness and a return to good manners, doing your best and showing mutual respect, slowing down and enjoying the beauty of those you love.
Visit any Facebook Page for a news outlet, read any post, and you see that most of the comments are full of insults and obscenities, not to mention no attempt at good grammar and spelling. (I'm no Grammar Guru myself, but I do try.) It's a sad commentary on our society and it's easy to feel alone in your desire for a simpler, kinder way of life.
Right now, my mind is pondering Table Manners. I grew up in a family in which there was a lot of yelling and throwing of food at the table. I want good Table Manners and I want to teach them to my children. But, the whole subject causes me anxiety - the table was not a happy place when I was growing up. So...I'm starting from scratch on this one.
I've found instructional videos from the 1950s on YouTube for table manners and this seems to work better for me. Here's one- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA5y3wEJ7pA And there are many more modern ones too. I think in pictures. It goes back to that phrase I came up with while watching Time Warp Wives - 'Visually Proactive.'
Figure out what you want to change in your life and find your Time Machine. That's My Sunday Best. ;)
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